

Daisypath Graduation tickers

Thursday, July 14, 2011

malam psychology ~_~

lmbt gile !
wat?ooo...tarikh abeh exam..
ehheee >.<"
u mane ag wey y exam 2bulan nonstop.adehh,,
kalo umah ak tngkt 2 je,sanggup ak terjun meraih simpati tanak exam dah.
*engat ak ni terikot2 k scene kt kbmall tuh.huh -.-'
tp itula..sape suh stdy kan..dok umah je la
ank dare,tnggu org masok minang
aha.manyak chantekk lu
letih2 mak ayh besarkan,last2 xdak background pendidikan,hampehh weh..

lagi sehari nk exam.lagi sehari nk merdeka.
haha.mcm hamba la plak.tnggu dibebaskan.
owh ni mesti byk bace tarikh islam ni..ehee..
psyko last.mang psyko abeh.
kusangkekan psyko senang xyah bace !
tp kena stdy lebih dari stdy sbjek medic weh
ape benda psyko?

menurut buku tex ak

"psychology is scince of soul,mind,consciousness, it is study behavior of man and animals to environment"

baru definition oiii...
xmasuk ag point2 kecil....
psyko is....setiap verbs to mesti ad meaning n types dy la! ~_~

1)learning-is any permanent change in behaior as a result of experience

2)biological rythms-cyclic change in behavior or physiology that repeat themselves in a definite includes sleep rhythm,body temperature,hormone regulations.....

3)perception-is the process by which person can interprets sensory stimuli which r 2 types:symboln sign

4)attention-is preparatory set involving da selection n emphasis of one component of experience or activity.bla3....attention is concerned with da level of arousal or state of alertness

5)forgetting-failure to remember a situation or an event

....dan byk lagi...
bosan da?
aha.biasela...sharing kebosanan saye ^_^v
tp..uihh ilmu nihhh...sia2 xblaja !
xbaek wehh..
anyh0w,,gdlx 4 me ntok last paper.
akan ku makesurekan ku pulun habis habisan psyko nih !

bittaufiQ wannajah wannikah...opss,,doa ni..ameennn (: